Pixar Activities

Pixar Activities 

What Would Chev Chelios (from Crank) do if he was stuck in an elevator? 

Our man is always in a rush and he has a bad temper. I'd say, the exact moment he realised the elevator was stopped, he'd get mad. He'd swear and probably hit something, trying to push buttons and do anything to make the elevator move again. Once this doesn't work, he'd waste no time climbing through the roof or prying the doors open, no matter what he has to break in order to do so. 

Character Features: Hogarth of The Iron Giant 

A young boy
Wears his Dad's old army helmet.
Wears old jeans and big ol jacket

Likes to help animals/ take them under his wing 
Independence - goes on solo adventures through the woods, has a good time 
Still needs a father figure. 

Hogarth wants to be independent and do things on his own, but he needs a father figure.


Ishida's (A Silent Voice) main obstacle is himself, he starts off as a bully and the obstacle he faces is learning to forgive himself.


Noodles (Once Upon A Time In America) starts off as a petty thief, taking what he can get until he meets Max. They start becoming successful, helping their friendly local gang smuggle drugs. Noodles goes to jail for stabbing a cop and all that fun stuff. This is a long movie, spanning nearly 50 years, so the arc is real long, to make a long story short, at the end of the movie noodles realises that killing and crime is not always the solution, even though at that point he's an old man so it doesn't even matter anymore. Oops.


Hogarth's personal stakes are that his friend (the robot) will be found and taken away. 
There are larger things at stake though, because of the political climate the discovery of the robot could lead to suspicions of un-American activities and even lead to the start of a third world war. 


Now's the time where I apply everything I've learned to my character Kyle. 

If Kyle was stuck in an elevator, he probably wouldn't care. It's not like he has anywhere to be. If you know anything about Kyle, it's that he really doesn't do much, the poor guy should get his life sorted. But yeah, Kyle would probably just click the assistance button, and then take a seat, our man doesn't want to strain his legs for too long. 

Kyle's character features would be that: 
He's extremely pale, you might say that you could see a shade of green in him if you looked close enough. 
He always wears a hoodie and jeans, even on the hottest day of the year. 
His hair is pretty greasy and he hasn't shaved in a while. 
He is extremely lazy, spends most of his time awake watching the dreaded daytime TV. 
He doesn't know how to express himself, after avoiding human interation his whole life he finds the most basic interactions a struggle. 
He does care about people and he's a legitimately nice guy, he just doesn't know how to show it. 

Kyle wants to sit around doing nothing all day, but he needs a steady job. 

Obstacles that my character Kyle might face are as simple as leaving the house and interacting with other people. 

The ultimate arc that Kyle might go on, would be learning to throw out bad habits and merge into society, even getting a job. But that might take a while, good luck Kyle. 

Even though it might seem trivial to someone else, the stakes are high for Kyle, every time he interacts with someone he always worries about making a fool out of himself, and his confidence could drop even lower. 
