
Title: Got Milk? 

Log Line: Got Milk. 

Act 1: 

We open on Kyle, sitting in a dark room by himself, the curtains are shut, the only light is coming from the TV. Kyle is watching something truly awful, but at this point he’s used to it, he’s watching daytime TV. Kyle looks extremely tired, he’s got long, greasy hair and he hasn’t shaved in a while. His roommate gets home, he's wearing a suit and has a smart haircut, compared to Kyle, this man looks like smooth oats, he starts going through the fridge, he pulls out a carton of milk, shakes it a little and pours a single drop into a glass. He asks Kyle if he drank all the milk, when Kyle admits to his crime, he is scolded and sent to buy more.  

Act 2:

Just getting to the door is a struggle, Kyle hasn’t stood up for half a day, let alone set foot outside. He makes his way to the door, but as he reaches for it, the door suddenly moves back, he reaches again and the door jolts away. He then tries to run but the door keeps moving away like the stairs in Super Mario 64. He jumps to grab the door handle. His roommate hears a crash and asks if he’s OK. Kyle stands up in the hallway, that is now back to its normal length and lets his roommate know that he’s fine. He opens the door and we see his disgusted face as he’s overwhelmed by sunlight, immediately covering his face. He steps out of the house, and starts stumbling out the street, it looks like this is the hardest thing that Kyle has ever done. The camera follows Kyle as he walks to the Dairy next door, about 10 metres away, he finally made it. Kyle buys milk and goes home, needless to say, the tiresome journey isn't showed again in it's entirety as that would take far too long. 

Act 3:

Kyle arrives home, milk in hand. His roommate asks, “Got milk?” to which he replies, “Got milk.” 
