
1679 - A German guy invents binary.
1770 - The Turk was a chess machine. It was secretly a man in a box though.
1804 - Joseph Jacquard built on binary code. Built an automated loom. Holes in cards are put over pins, which tell the loom which pattern to create.
Charles Babbage - 1821 Difference engines, calculators which deal with addition and subtraction.
Ada Lovelace - The first programmer. She published the first computer algorithm.
1890 - algorithms were used to record US data.
1914 - Chess playing machine. One had a mechanical arm, one used magnets.
1923 - Enigma machine, used to decode things.
1940 - A computer plays "Nim" and wins 90% of the time, 80 years later we have a robot uprising.
1947 - bouncing ball game, it has one button and an up/ down stick.
1948 - store memory on electric charges instead of paper tape. 128 bytes of memory filled a whole room.
1950 Claude Shannon gives guidelines for chess playing computers. 70 years later, the robots take over.
1950 - Alan Turing was testing whether robots could out think a computer. If a computer can trick someone into thinking its a human it passes.
"Lately I've been curious, wondering.
Do I pass the Turing test? Do I think?"
- The Parquet Courts
1952 - A.S. Douglass creates a machine that plays naughts and crosses OXO
1954 - Programmers in New Mexico devolved blackjack machines.
1955 - US military training game.
1955 - First use of "hack: it meant " working on a computer in a different way from what it says on a computer manual." By 1993 it meant "digital trespasser"
1956 - A checkers program which defeats a master a few years later. 60 years later, the robot uprising.
1958 - tennis for two. Sort of like pong. Also it's the same thing as what I wrote for 1947, something doesn't add up.
1960 - John Burgeson was playing hooky from work to make a baseball game.
1961 - Raytheon develops a computer simulation of the cold war conflict. It was too hard though so they made it analog so people could understand it.
1961 - Three guys from MIT developed spacewar. Considered by some to be the first "true" video game.
1963 - Another war simulation. STAGE shows that the US will win, thanks STAGE. Such a reliable opinion.
1964 - Everybody can be a programmer.
1965 - Gridiron game. released in 1969.
1967 - The Brown Box let players play tennis and other games on their TV. Odyssey was the first commercial version. "Lets you do your own thing on television"
1971 - Oregon Trail, a difficult game where you have to make a lot of choices.
