Documentaries - Verite & Direct


Cinema Verite's purpose is to obtain the truth from the subject. The presence of the filmmaker has to be acknowledged. They participate with interviews and narration. The interviewer is a fly in the soup, looking to get a response.


Direct Cinema is to gain the truth from the subject so the filmmaker should not be noticed. Observing the subjects in their own environment. With little or no commentary. The filmmaker is a fly on the wall.

Gimme Shelter - Direct Cinema 

A documentary on a free rolling stones concert. Apparently it was complete chaos, a guy died, people got beat, sounds like a great watch. It sounds awful saying it, but chaos is always entertaining to watch go down. I've gotta watch this one. Not only that, it'll have some good music too, who doesn't love a good bit of the stones. 


 Be fair to the subjects. You've got to treat people with respect. Don't exploit people. It's self explanatory stuff. 

Titicut Follies 

A film in a mental institute. The film showed that they were all treated extremely poor. The film was banned. 

Forgotten Silver 

I've always been interested in this one, I've got to watch it at some point. 
This is Spinal Tap is also one of the best mockumentaries, but I'd already seen it so I voted to watch Woodstock. 
