Things I've Seen Recently

Rosemary's Baby 

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A classic horror movie featuring lots of Satanism and spooky old people. It's one of those ones where everybody is against one person, so no matter who they tell, nobody believes them. They tell them that they'll put them in an asylum if they keep talking about witchcraft. There's a lot of drama as Rosemary runs around, knowing that her neighbors are Satanists after her baby, but nobody believes her. It really is quite disturbing how this poor lady is so sure that they're after her, but there's nothing she can do about it.

Scooby Doo 

This movie is wild, it's such a silly movie and it really isn't at all good, but it reminds me of when I was but a young lad, so I love it. There's so much dumb slapstick humor and silly comedy, it never gets old. 

Scooby Doo: Monsters Unleashed 

The same goes for this one, dumb things happen and I have a good time. It also features one of the best scenes in film history where Fred says he refuses to talk to the news because "they'll make it look like I think Coolsville sucks" then it cuts to a news clip of him saying "I think Coolsville sucks"

The Big Lebowski  

Another one of my favorites. Just an apathetic movie about a guy who wants his rug back. At the end of the movie through all of the crazy stuff, nothing at all has really happened and that's why it's great.  


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Fantastic classic animation. 

Neon Genesis Evangellion 

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It really shows what animation can be on a budget, there are scenes where the screen is still for well over a minute but it really doesn't matter because the story and direction is so good. Even though it starts as a story about big robots it's clear that it goes alot further than that into all that lovely stuff about depression and loneliness. It's a fantastic story. 

Space Jam 

This movie sucks. It's in the same vein as Scooby Doo though, so you know I had a laugh. 

This is England 

A movie about a group of skinheads who take in a little kid. It's a great story, the first group of skinheads aren't really that bad, they're just a disturbed group of youths who want to help out this little kid. It's actually pretty sweet. Then we get introduced to the second group who are legitimately horrible, and the kid starts hanging around with them. It's pretty awful stuff, but a great film. 

Green Room

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Another one of my favorites, and also a movie I played one Monday. It's about Neo Nazis and punk bands. There's great suspense and great violence. 

Day of the Dead 

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George Romero is the man, of all his original zombie movies this one is the most depressing. Humanity is almost all gone and they're living in a hole fighting with each other. It's another great story. 

Blade Runner

Blade Runner is great. When I was younger I thought it was boring. It's still pretty boring. Nothing happens and it's so slow. But none of that matters, because it's such a good looking film, every shot looks so great. 

Hardcore Henry

Image result for hardcore henry
Another Monday movie. It's just a silly action movie where the gimmick is that it's all first person. It's great. So much stuff going on with lots of great practical effects. It's pretty much non stop action, it also has one of my favorite running gags where Jimmy dies so many times, but keeps coming back. 

Fantastic Planet 

This was great. Just some wacky french animation. It was so strange but extremely interesting. The style was so nice too, I've never really seen anything like it. 

The Chasing World

Image result for the chasing world
This movie was insane. I picked this up at the DVD store randomly without knowing anything about it. Nothing made sense and it was so silly, probably my favorite out of all the movies on this list. It's about some kid who gets chased around by the high school bully. He's "a genius at running". He's then transported to an alternate reality where everyone with his last name is being chased and killed. He spends the rest of the film running. There are so many twists and turns in the story, even if it doesn't make sense, it's extremely entertaining. Every time we see "the King of Japan" it feels like a lame Starwars parody. Even though I make fun of this movie, it genuinely is really charming and has some nice ideas. It was great. 

Team America 

Classic southpark style dumb comedy, always a good time. 


It's a lot of fun. The characters are all great and the movie looks good because Guillermo Del Toro knows what he's doing. 

Hellboy 2019 

This movie was lame. I was expecting it to be bad because I enjoy that sort of thing. But it really didn't entertain at all. Nothing worked, every action scene looked like a video game and between every action scene was just boring. 


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Another Monday movie. An animation about racing. Everything is extremely expressive and the animations in the races are crazy. 
